
Refractory mastics - TRITIC

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Refractory mastics are manufactured on the base of calcinated fireclay, andalusite, bauxite, high-alumina aggregates, alumina, aluminium oxides, refractory clays and kaolins, plastifying agents and other additives on the advanced technological lines.

They are prepared for dispatching as dry mixes in paper or big bags, or ready to use plastic mixes in buckets. The products are intended for fireclay and high-alumina linings as jointing material and bricklaying material. Owing to their excellent workability and grain size in particular, they are advisable for linings where tight up joints are demanded.

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TRITIC Refractoriness Chem. composition Grain size Application temperature


Al2O3 Fe2O3 (mm) (0C)
TP33Lc 163/28 33,0 3,0 0 – 0,5 1370
T35Lc (TP35Lc) 171/32 35,0 3,0 0 – 0,5 1400
T40Lc (TP40Lc) 172/32 40,0 2,9 0 – 0,5 1450
T45L 173/33 45,0 2,2 0 – 0,5 1450
T50BLc (TP50BLc) 177/35 50,0 2,7 0 – 0,5 1500
T60Ac (TP60Ac) 179/36 60,0 1,6 0 – 0,5 1600
T75Vc (TP75Vc) 183/37 75,0 1,1 0 – 0,5 1650
T80Bc (TP80Bc) 183/37 80,0 2,1 0 – 0,5 1650
T85Kc (TP85Kc) 185/38 85,0 1,6 0 – 0,5 1700
T90Kc (TP90Kc) 188/39 90,0 0,4 0 – 0,5 1750
TP33Lc 163/28 33,0 3,0 0 – 0,5 1370

Identification marking of refractory mastics:

a b c d e
T   30 L  
T   45 L  
T P 90 K c
  1. a. T – mastic (cement)
  2. b. P – in plastic state
  3. c. 30 – Al2O3 content in % 
  4. d. L – calcinated fire-clay-based
        A – andalusite-based
        V – high-alumina aggregate-based
        B – bauxite-based
        K – corundum-based
  5. e. c – chemical bond

Other quality features to be agreed between the customer and the supplier.

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